The Latest from the Heritage!

This page is updated from time to time to let you know what's up in the garden.

Mel Hulse, Garden Maintenance Director

Garden Report, Spring 2001 

The weather and the RNRS pruning method ganged up on us to produce the greatest Spring bloom ever for Spring in Guadalupe Gardens, our festival at the end of April! Two weeks before it was cold which kept the Tea roses blooming. The week before was hot which caused everything to explode, including the European once-blooming OGRs. Fortunately, we had a number of the Virtual Rose Society folks from far away to enjoy it along with the local citizens. 

Planting. We continued to plant our roses grown at Vintage Gardens. Sixty-two of these were planted in April on the Santa Clara University fence Climbing Roses Annex. These run the totals on the fence to about 222 out of the eventual 260. This completes retrieval of roses we grew at Vintage. A big, "thank you" to them for their support. We continued to plant replacements for lost roses and standards grown in my backyard. 

Irrigation. The Irrigation Renewal Project is over two-thirds complete now. Signage. Work is well along on the European old garden roses section. We continue to receive generous donations into the signage fund, thank you. 

Events. Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 29th 2002, the "Year of the Rose." for our annual "Spring in Guadalupe Gardens" festival. It includes plant and garden equipment sales and tours of the gardens. This next event will be held in conjunction with the American Rose Society's Spring National Convention. 

Catalog. Our year 2001 catalog is now available in the garden on workdays, at the garden center and by mail. E-mail MelHulse@PacBell.Net for details. 

Peak Bloom. There is always bloom to see at The Heritage. The first big show of the year is at the end of March when the old China and Tea roses produce a glorious bloom. The peak Spring modern rose flush is the end of April. Old Garden Roses peak about two weeks later and Polyanthas and Miniatures, a week after that. The peak Fall flush is mid-October. 

Rose sales. I continue to get requests to buy roses. We neither sell nor custom propagate our roses. Nurseries that do are found on the links page

Mel Hulse, May 28, 2001

Address comments to Mel Hulse

Links to past status pages:

Winter 2001

Late Fall 2000

Fall 2000

Spring 2000

Late Winter 2000

Early Winter 2000

Fall 1999 Status

June 1999 Status:

October 1998 Status:

September 1998 Status:

June 1998 Status

May 1998 Status:

April 1998 Status:

March 1998 Status:


This page was last updated on 02/27/06.

Address comments to Mel Hulse